Nurse leaders experiences of integrating culturally and linguistically diverse registered nurses into healthcare settings: An interview study

Kamau Suleiman*, Ashlee Oikarainen, Nina Kiviniitty, Miro Koskenranta, Kuivila Heli, Marco Tomietto, Outi Kanste, Kristina Mikkonen

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To describe nurse leaders' experiences of how culturally and linguistically diverse registered nurses integrate into healthcare settings.

A qualitative descriptive study design.

A total of 13 nurse leaders were recruited from four primary and specialized healthcare organizations in Finland.

Data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews and analyzed using inductive content analysis.

Nurse Leaders' experiences were categorized into seven main categories as follows: leadership, which concerns a leader's roles, style, and experience; organizational strategy and culture, which includes structure, policies, and intra-organizational culture; support strategies, including workplace and outside-of-work integration strategies; relationships and interactions, which considers interpersonal relationships and interactions; nurse competence requirements and development, which concerns both organizational and ward level competence demands, and support for competence development; language competence, which concerns challenges relating to language proficiency and development of language competence; and cultural diversity, which considers the importance of competence development brought about through experiences of being in a multicultural workplace.

Culturally and linguistically diverse nurses are important within healthcare systems. These nurses constitute additional human resources, bring diverse experiences and expertise, and add to organizational cultural capital. Nurse leaders require competencies that are suitable for leading a diverse workforce, utilizing its competencies, establishing staff members' needs, and ensuring their continuous development. Resourcing, planning, and structuring the integration process affects nurses' experiences of the organizational socialization process.

The findings of our study can offer guidance to healthcare organizations with regard to structural integration strategies at an institutional level. Leadership and management educators can benefit from the findings towards developing a curriculum that supports leaders' diversity, equity and inclusion, knowledge management and formal leadership competencies. Finally, nurse leaders may benefit from this study through being more aware towards supporting a multicultural, cohesive, and competent workforce through strong social capital.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104559
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing Studies
Early online date1 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2023


  • Culturally and linguistically diverse
  • Content analysis
  • Healthcare environment
  • Integration
  • Nurse leader
  • Nurse manager
  • Organizational socialization
  • Qualitative research
  • Registered nurse

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