Filmski teoretiki so si enotni, da je šel razvoj slasherja skozi več faz. Po obdobju razcveta podžanra sredi osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja je zanimanje za slasherje nekoliko upadlo, saj se je občinstvo naveličalo obstoječih franšiz in nenehnega ponavljanja slasherskih konvencij. Posledično se je sredi devetdesetih let slasher obrnil k postmodernizmu: filmi tega obdobja so odkrito namigovali na žanrske klasike iz osemdesetih let in na ta način samorefleksivno prevpraševali slasherske konvencije. Ena njihovih osrednjih značilnost je porogljiv in ciničen ton, ki jim ga dajejo sarkastični in čustveno otopeli liki. V začetku novega tisočletja pa se je slasher pomaknil k bolj neposredni občutljivosti, v kateri se »postmoderna« ironija in prekanjenost spajata z nostalgijo in iskrenostjo, za to novo fazo razvoja pa se vse bolj uveljavlja oznaka »metamoderni slasher«. V članku avtor z medsebojno primerjavo filmov Krik (Scream, 1996), Krvava lekcija (Getting Schooled, 2017) in Hackleyjevi pomori s sekiro (Axe Murdering with Hackley, 2016) pojasni, na kakšen način metamoderni slasher deluje in v čem se razlikuje od zgodnejših faz razvoja slasherja.
Film theorists agree that the development of the slasher went through several stages. After a period of sub-genre boom in the mid-1980s, interest in slashers declined somewhat as audiences grew tired of existing franchises and the constant repetition of slasher conventions. As a result, in the mid-1990s, slasher turned to postmodernism: films of this period openly hinted at genre classics from the 1980s, thus self-reflexively questioning slasher conventions. One of their central characteristics is the mocking and cynical tone given to them by sarcastic and emotionally numb characters. At the beginning of the new millennium, however, the slasher shifted to a more direct sensitivity in which "postmodern" irony and pretentiousness merge with nostalgia and sincerity, and the metamodern slasher label is gaining ground for this new phase of development. In the article, the author explains how the metamodern slasher works and how it differs from the earlier ones by comparing the films Scream (1996), Bloody Lesson (Getting Schooled, 2017) and Hackley's Ax Murders (Ax Murdering with Hackley, 2016). stages of slasher development.
Film theorists agree that the development of the slasher went through several stages. After a period of sub-genre boom in the mid-1980s, interest in slashers declined somewhat as audiences grew tired of existing franchises and the constant repetition of slasher conventions. As a result, in the mid-1990s, slasher turned to postmodernism: films of this period openly hinted at genre classics from the 1980s, thus self-reflexively questioning slasher conventions. One of their central characteristics is the mocking and cynical tone given to them by sarcastic and emotionally numb characters. At the beginning of the new millennium, however, the slasher shifted to a more direct sensitivity in which "postmodern" irony and pretentiousness merge with nostalgia and sincerity, and the metamodern slasher label is gaining ground for this new phase of development. In the article, the author explains how the metamodern slasher works and how it differs from the earlier ones by comparing the films Scream (1996), Bloody Lesson (Getting Schooled, 2017) and Hackley's Ax Murders (Ax Murdering with Hackley, 2016). stages of slasher development.
Original language | Undefined/Unknown |
Journal | Kino! |
Volume | 46/47 |
Publication status | Published - 31 Mar 2022 |
- hackleyjevi pomori s sekiro
- krik
- krvava lekcija
- metamodernizem
- postmodernizem
- slasher