Oil Media on Paper: Investigating the Interaction of Cold-Pressed Linseed Oil with Paper Supports with FTIR Analysis

Penelope Banou*, Stamatis Boyatzis, Konstantinos Choulis , Charis Theodorakopoulos, Athena Alexopoulou

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    Previous works of the authors have presented the changes in the optical, mechanical, and chemical properties of the oiled areas of the supports that occur upon ageing due to oil-binder absorption in works of art on paper and printed material. In this framework, transmittance FTIR analysis has indicated that the presence of linseed oil induces the conditions to promote the deterioration of the oil-impregnated areas of the paper supports. However, the analysis of oil-impregnated mock-ups did not provide detailed information about the input of linseed oil formulations and the different types of paper support on the chemical changes that occur upon ageing. This work presents the results of ATR-FTIR and reflectance FTIR, which were used for compensating the previous results, proving indications on the effect of different materials (linseed oil formulations, and cellulosic and lignocellulosic papers) on the development of chemical changes, thus, on the condition of the oiled areas upon ageing. Although linseed oil formulations have a determining effect on the condition of the oiled areas of the support, the paper pulp content appears to have an input to the chemical changes that occur in the system of paper–linseed oil upon ageing. The results presented are more focused on the oil-impregnated mock-ups with cold-pressed linseed oil since results have indicated that this causes more extended changes upon ageing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number2567
    Number of pages19
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2023


    • cold-pressed linseed oil
    • alkaline-refined linseed oil
    • stand oil
    • pure cellulosic paper
    • lignocellulosic paper
    • ATR-FTIR
    • reflectance FTIR

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