On analysing fragments: the case of No?

Phillip Wallage*, Wim van der Wurff

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This paper addresses the analysis of sentence fragments, specifically the English negative polar response item no. Two main types of synchronic analysis have been proposed for present-day English – one in which yes and no are syntactically inert particles which substitute for a clause, the other in which they are the initial element of an elided clause. Using diachronic data from 15th- to 17th-century English, we argue that the emergence of a novel other-speaker question pattern involving no demonstrates that speakers of early English analysed interrogative polar no as the initial element of a clause with TP-ellipsis. This novel pattern has received little attention in the literature, yet this grammatical innovation is interesting because its emergence demonstrates how diachronic change can be used as a diagnostic for underlying grammatical structure.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-113
Number of pages59
Issue number1
Early online date12 Aug 2024
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jan 2025


  • polar-responses
  • question tags
  • diachronic syntax
  • Early Modern English

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