On the Relation Between Jovian Aurorae and the Loading/Unloading of the Magnetic Flux: Simultaneous Measurements From Juno, Hubble Space Telescope, and Hisaki

Z. H. Yao, D. Grodent, W. S. Kurth, G. Clark, B. H. Mauk, T. Kimura, B. Bonfond, S-Y Ye, A. T. Lui, A. Radioti, B. Palmaerts, W. R. Dunn, L. C. Ray, F. Bagenal, S. V. Badman, I. J. Rae, R. L. Guo, Z. Y. Pu, J-C Gerard, K. YoshiokaJ. D. Nichols, S. J. Bolton, S. M. Levin

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We present simultaneous observations of aurorae at Jupiter from the Hubble Space Telescope and Hisaki, in combination with the in situ measurements of magnetic field, particles, and radio waves from the Juno Spacecraft in the outer magnetosphere, from ~ 80RJ to 60RJ during 17 to 22 March 2017. Two cycles of accumulation and release of magnetic flux, named magnetic loading/unloading, were identified during this period, which correlate well with electron energization and auroral intensifications. Magnetic reconnection events are identified during both the loading and unloading periods, indicating that reconnection and unloading are independent processes. These results show that the dynamics in the middle magnetosphere are coupled with auroral variability.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11632-11641
Number of pages10
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number21
Early online date5 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2019
Externally publishedYes


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