Optimising landmark-based route guidance for older drivers

S. J. Edwards*, C. Emmerson, A. Namdeo, P. T. Blythe, W. Guo

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In-vehicle navigation systems (IVNS) have the potential to benefit older drivers, reducing stress associated with way-finding and providing on-trip support, especially in unfamiliar locations. However, existing IVNS present challenges to usability, resulting in lack of uptake and over-reliance on pre-trip planning. This paper presents research aimed at identifying features that make IVNS user-friendly and appropriate for older drivers. Studying navigational performance within a simulated driving environment, it focuses on the use of landmarks with route guidance information, and the most appropriate method of information provision (audio only, visual only or a combination of audio and visual). It also assesses potential gender differences that might arise with landmark-based navigational information. Solutions include use of appropriate roadside landmarks, and information delivered through a combination of audio and icon-based visual format. These features result in lower workload and fewer navigational errors. The audio/visual modality reduces the hazard of distraction by landmarks resulting in fewer visual glances and lower glance duration to the roadside compared to other modalities. Design and provision of IVNS tailored to older drivers’ needs can make a considerable contribution to maintaining individual mobility for longer.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)225-237
Number of pages13
JournalTransportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Early online date1 Nov 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Gender
  • Information
  • Landmarks
  • Navigation
  • Older drivers


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