Out-casted/Re-casted: Towards a Lexicon for Restorative Artmaking and Co-creation

Clair Aldington, Jayne Wallace, Charlotte Bilby

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Clair Aldington’s doctoral research is broadly about the role of making, gifting and co-creation within Restorative Justice processes. Within that, more narrowly, the research is focussing on Interaction Ritual as applied to Restorative Justice (Collins, 2004; Rossner, 2013) and whether or not a gifted co-created artefact could become an object symbol of solidarity, and in so doing, maintain the positive emotional energy generated by a Restorative Justice encounter. This paper highlights the complexities and confusion around the understanding and usage of the word “solidarity” in this particular context and offers a working research definition and understanding for its use within Restorative Justice. Additionally, the paper attempts to address the confusion of language around Restorative Justice, and suggests the need for a “Lexicon of Restorative Artmaking and Co-Creation” utilising words gathered with research participants. Drawing on initial findings from a research case study, it is posited that there is a potential role for the co-created artefact in changing the feelings of a participant in a Restorative Justice process from out-casted to re-casted within their community.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationArte en prisión
Subtitle of host publicationJusticia estaurativa a través de proyectos artísticos y narrativos
EditorsGema Varona Martínez
Place of PublicationValencia
PublisherTirant lo Blanch
Number of pages44
ISBN (Electronic)9788413368276, 9788413368279
ISBN (Print)9788413368269
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2020
EventArt in Prisons: Talking Restorative Justice through Artistic and Narrative Projects - Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain
Duration: 3 Apr 20195 Apr 2019


WorkshopArt in Prisons
Abbreviated titleArt in Prisons
Internet address


  • Restorative Justice
  • Interaction Ritual
  • symbol
  • making
  • co-creation
  • craft
  • place
  • solidarity
  • gift
  • community


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