P78 Is routine HIV testing by nursing staff admitting patients to hospital feasible?

Richard Rawlings, Laura Clark, Larissa Mulka, Daniel Richardson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background/introduction Routine HIV testing in acute medical admissions is recommended in areas of high HIV prevalence. A local sero-anonymous prevalence study suggested high rates of undiagnosed HIV in both medical and surgical admissions. We have developed a successful non-clinician based model of HIV testing using a dedicated Health Care Assistant (HCA) in medical admissions. We are keen to move back to clinician-based HIV testing using the HCA as a testing-facilitator offering education and a bespoke HIV testing training resource to support HIV testing. This model will allow roll-out of HIV testing to all admissions.

Methods A service evaluation through purposive sampling to assess whether nursing staff would be willing to perform routine HIV testing and to pilot the HIV testing training resource.

Results 10 nurses from the Emergency Department, Acute Medical Unit, and medical wards responded. 4/10 felt that current coverage (a single HCA) was inadequate. 8/10 said they would be willing to routinely test admissions for HIV provided support and training from the HIV Screening HCA was given, especially around the informed consent process. 1/10 suggested that routine screening would make discussing HIV testing less awkward. 8/10 felt the training resource was comprehensive and helpful.

Discussion/conclusion This pilot suggests that Routine HIV testing by nursing staff admitting patients is feasible with the support of an HIV testing facilitator and an HIV testing training resource.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)A41.2-A41
JournalSexually Transmitted Infections
Issue numberSuppl 1
Early online date18 May 2015
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015
Externally publishedYes


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