Partnership action for continuing employment (PACE): towards a future delivery model

Ronald McQuaid, Matthew Dutton, Valerie Egdell

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University was commissioned by the Scottish Government to help develop a future delivery model for the Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE). The Scottish Government established the PACE Partnership on 23 June 2009 to bring together agencies with an interest in PACE. This report forms part of the work assigned to the PACE Delivery Workstream, which was charged with undertaking a review of the current mechanism for delivery of PACE support and highlighting areas for improvement.

This report sets out some of the issues related to developing the operational delivery of PACE. The focus is on the broad service delivery model at the local level, so relatively little is said about the core, national PACE operation.

It is based upon a review of the PACE Work Stream event and other material and interviews with selected PACE chairs. PACE is not ‘broken’ and generally appears to offer an appropriate service. There are a number of challenges and strengths in the current system and there is scope for improvement.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherScottish Government
Commissioning bodyScottish Government
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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