Periodic Solutions of a System of Complex ODEs. II. Higher Periods

Matteo Sommacal, Francesco Calogero

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In a previous paper the real evolution of the system of ODEs ¨zn + zn = N m=1, m=n gnm(zn - zm) -3 , zn zn(t), zn dzn(t) dt , n = 1, . . . , N is discussed in CN , namely the N dependent variables zn, as well as the N(N - 1) (arbitrary!) "coupling constants" gnm, are considered to be complex numbers, while the independent variable t ("time") is real. In that context it was proven that there exists, in the phase space of the initial data zn(0), zn(0), an open domain having infinite measure, such that all trajectories emerging from it are completely periodic with period 2, zn(t + 2) = zn(t). In this paper we investigate, both by analytcal techniques and via the display of numerical simulations, the remaining solutions, and in particular we show that there exist many -- emerging out of sets of initial data having nonvanishing measures in the phase space of such data -- that are also completely periodic but with periods which are integer multiples of 2. We also elcidate the mechanism that yields nonperiodic solutions, including those characterized by a "chaotic" behavior, namely those associated, in the context of the initial-value problem, with a sensitive dependence on the initial data.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)483-516
JournalJournal of Non-linear Mathematical Physics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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