
Skateboarding, BMXing and Parkour all have devoted participants around Tyneside. Through their activities, the participants re-invent the cityscape. This can bring them into conflict with Civic and commercial interests who perceive them, at best, as a nuisance. Usually they are viewed as a problem - to be dealt with by legal prohibitions, enforced by fines, and by creating public spaces designed to exclude them. The participants, however, often demonstrate strong social ties and a creative and entrepreneurial culture. PlayToon is a glimpse into their world, promoting their place in the city and documenting their Tyneside in 2012.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNewcastle upon Tyne, UK
PublisherNorthumbria University
Number of pages36
ISBN (Print)9781861353771
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2012


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