Policies that support bridging, bonding and building between government and the social economy in Atlantic Canada: Policy Scan Process Report 2009. Annotated Bibliography

Jan Myers

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This literature and web-resource list is produced as part of SEPROJECT‘s sub-node 1 Policy research reviewing policies that support bridging, bonding and building between government and the social economy in Atlantic Canada. As part of the process of creating an inventory of policies and programs supporting the social economy in the region and providing an analysis and definitional discussion and working papers on policy and social economy, a number of sources were researched to provide background literature review and resources. Some of these are reproduced here as a general resource and 'by-product' of the primary research focus. A range of sources (regional, national and international) accessible by the internet were used e.g. bibliographic, library and journal databases such as Ingenta, Emerald; government sources e.g. departmental websites and parliamentary party web pages; non-government and community based sources e.g. locally based or specialist social economy organisation sites and apex organisation sites; research institute sources e.g. independent and university based research centres; and more general and popular web search facilities such as Google and Google Scholar.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalThe Social Economy and Sustainability Research Network Working Paper series
    Issue number2009-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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