Pollination Project

Claire Pencak, Liz Pavey

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    The Pollination Project was a broad and diverse research project in which Claire Pencak (Leverhulme Trust artist-in-residence, based in the Centre for Rural Economy at Newcastle University) collaborated with social scientists, biologists, beekeepers and dancers with a focus on improvisation and the sensory aspects of knowledge exchange. The dancers included Liz Pavey, Senior Lecturer in Dance at Northumbria University. Liz contributed to research workshops Held at Cultural Lab and Northumbria University, and video footage for these workshops formed part of an installation 'Because bees don’t read the same books' at the event 'Humming the Hexagon' Moorbank Botanical Garden. Following this Liz performed in 'The Poison Project with Tim Rubidge and Anna Hall, live performance directed by Claire Pencak live performance (in relation to installation Encampment of Eternal Hope by Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich) at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2012
    EventHumming the Hexagon - Moorbank Botanical Garden
    Duration: 1 Jan 2012 → …


    • improvisation
    • dance performance
    • bees


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