Possibilities for filling the strategic planning void: Local Enterprise Partnerships and alternative strategic mechanisms

Lee Pugalis, Alan Townsend

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Planning, especially strategic forms of planning, is widely considered to play an important role in achieving economic growth and sustainable development outcomes. However, in England there has been a retreat from strategic planning at the regional level – which prior to 2010 was seeking to integrate land-use planning and economic planning – towards a localist philosophy, which the UK Government intends will improve planning outcomes. Following the revocation of Regional Spatial Strategies, England is without a recognised strategic planning framework. Subsequently, for some commentators, a ‘strategic void’ has emerged, which left unfilled could result in less growth and more unsustainable development than would otherwise be the case.
Original languageEnglish
JournalRTPI website
Publication statusPublished - 13 Mar 2014


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