Practical Nutrition Strategies to Support Basketball Performance during International Short-Term Tournaments: A Narrative Review

Ozcan Esen*, Kazimierz Rozwadowski, Ladislav Cepicka, Tomasz Gabrys, Raci Karayigit

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A short-term (e.g., 6 days) basketball tournament is a shorter version of international tournaments, and qualification in it enables participation in international tournaments such as the Olympics and World championships or preparation before major tournaments. Time for recovery between matches is shorter compared with major tournaments, resulting in an accentuated load on players, which can be repeated up to four times within the 6-day competition period. Therefore, nutritional strategies need to focus on faster and adequate recovery after each match as well as optimum fuelling and hydration before and during matches. Travelling can also create additional challenges when preparing and/or applying those nutritional strategies. There are some particular evidence-based sport foods and ergogenic aids that can improve intermittent activity and/or the execution of motor skills, which may facilitate basketball players’ recovery and performance. The present review provides practical nutritional strategies to support short-term basketball tournaments based on players’ physiological needs and current sport nutrition guidelines.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4909
Number of pages14
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2022


  • dietary supplements
  • performance
  • recovery
  • sport nutrition
  • team sport


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