Precariousness, community and participation

Matthew T Johnson (Editor), Gibson Burrell, Paul Edwards, Joe Finnerty, Cathal O'Connell, Kelly Greenop, Joanna Richardson, Ryan Powell, Denis Barrett, Siobhan O'Dowd, Siobhán O’Sullivan, Séamus O’Tuama, Lorna Kenny, Ann-Marie Houghton, Tom Fellows, Valdimar Halldórssson , Elizabeth Campbell, John Lazarus, John Baker, William I. RobsinsonRonaldo Munck

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationSpecial issue


This issue of Global Discourse represents the culmination of a series of collaborations exploring ‘precariousness’ stemming back to 2013–the year in which we last published an issue on the topic (see Johnson2013). Here, we attempt to explore the effects of neoliberalism on particular forms of community through the work of participants in‘A Cross-Cultural Working Group on“Good Culture”and Precariousness’, a participatory project involving academics, community co-researchers and community professionals from a range of backgrounds. The notion of precariousness has been popularised by Standing (2011) to describe the unpredictable neoliberal conditions faced by radically different people throughout the world. Members of Standing’s ‘precariat’ lack occupational identities,treat work and other money-making activities instrumentally, are focused on the short-term and have no‘shadow of the future’hanging over their actions, leaving little incentive to sustain long-term relationships and productive, but unpaid, social activities
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages167
Specialist publicationGlobal Discourse
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2017


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