Predictors of academic performance among second-year nursing students at a university in the Western Cape

K.D.T. Mthimunye*, F.M. Daniels, A. Pedro

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Students with low grades in high school science related subjects as wellas those that obtained low grades in their first year of study should begiven the necessary support to avoid the risk of unsatisfactory academicperformance. The performance of nursing students is a diverse topic thatneeds further investigation at more nursing institutions and at variouslevels of undergraduate programmes. This study describes the predictorsof academic performance among second-year nursing students at auniversity in the Western Cape. A non-experimental quantitative researchapproach with a cross-sectional predictive design was carried out todetermine the relationship between predictor variables and academicperformance of second-year Bachelor of Nursing students (n=226). Amultiple-linear regression analysis was done to determine whichvariables best explains the variations in the students' academicperformance. The study found that the cognitive variables had thestrongest predictive power in association with academic performance incomparison to the demographic variable, besides race which rejected thenull hypothesis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)192-215
Number of pages24
JournalSouth African Journal of Higher Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • academic performance
  • attrition
  • linear regression
  • nursing students
  • performance
  • Student Administration System Integrated (SASI)
  • throughput


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