Private Facial Prediagnosis as an Edge Service for Parkinson's DBS Treatment Valuation

Richard Jiang*, Paul Chazot, Nicola Pavese, Danny Crookes, Ahmed Bouridane, M. Emre Celebi

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Facial phenotyping for medical prediagnosis has recently been successfully exploited as a novel way for the preclinical assessment of a range of rare genetic diseases, where facial biometrics is revealed to have rich links to underlying genetic or medical causes. In this paper, we aim to extend this facial prediagnosis technology for a more general dis-ease, Parkinson's Diseases (PD), and proposed an Artificial-Intelligence-of-Things (AIoT) edge-oriented privacy-preserving facial prediagnosis framework to analyze the treatment of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) on PD patients. In the proposed framework, a novel edge-based privacy-preserving framework is proposed to implement private deep facial diagnosis as a service over an AIoT-oriented information theoretically secure multi-party communication scheme, where partial homomorphic encryption (PHE) is leveraged to enable privacy-preserving deep facial diagnosis on encrypted facial patterns. In our experiments with a collected facial dataset from PD patients, for the first time, we proved that facial patterns could be used to evaluate the facial difference of PD patients undergoing DBS treatment. We further implemented a privacy-preserving information theoretical secure deep facial prediagnosis framework that can achieve the same accuracy as the non-encrypted one, showing the potential of our facial prediagnosis as a trust-worthy edge service for grading the severity of PD in patients.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3146369
Pages (from-to)2703-2713
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Issue number6
Early online date27 Jan 2022
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


  • Edge AIoT
  • Electronic Health and Medical Records
  • Facial Prediagnosis
  • Medical Biometrics
  • Private Biometrics
  • Private Deep learning


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