Probabilistic optimisation of mono-stringer composite stiffened panels in post-buckling regime

Hamed Farokhi, Omar Bacarreza, M.H. Ferri Aliabadi

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In this paper, a multi-objective probabilistic design optimisation approach is presented for reliability and robustness analysis of composite structures and demonstrated on a mono-omega-stringer stiffened panel. The proposed approach utilises a global surrogate model of the composite structure while accounting for uncertainties in material properties as well as geometry. Unlike the multi-level optimisation approach which freezes some parameters at each level, the proposed approach allows for all parameters to change at the same time and hence ensures global optimum solutions in the given parameter design space (for both probabilistic and deterministic optimisations) within a certain degree of accuracy. The proposed approach is used in this study to conduct extensive multi-objective probabilistic and deterministic optimisations (without considering safety factors) on a mono-stringer stiffened panel. In particular, a global surrogate model is developed utilising the computational power of a high-performance computing facility. The inputs of the surrogate model are the omega-stringer geometry and the mechanical properties of the composite material, while the outputs are the fundamental linear buckling load (LBL) and the nonlinear post-buckling strength (NPS). LBL and NPS are obtained via detailed parametric finite element models of the mono-stringer stiffened panel; in the nonlinear model, the interface between the skin and the omega-stringer is modelled via cohesive elements to allow for debonding in the post-buckled regime. Extensive multi-objective optimisations are conducted on the surrogate model using deterministic and probabilistic approaches to examine the omega-stringer geometric parameters mostly affecting the system robustness and reliability. The differences between deterministic and probabilistic designs are highlighted as well.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1395-1417
Number of pages23
JournalStructural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Issue number3
Early online date15 May 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020


  • Multi-objective optimisation
  • Post-buckling regime
  • Probabilistic design
  • Stiffened panel
  • Surrogate modelling


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