title = "Project succession after SRB for the voluntary and community sector (VCS)",
author = "Gill Davidson",
note = "Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) funding will come to an end in March 2006. Voluntary and community sector (VCS) projects that are still receiving SRB/Preparing for Change funding need to plan their future. Invest 2006 is a campaign in the North East to secure funding for voluntary and community groups beyond 2006 and the end of SRB and other funding streams. It has commissioned this research to offer practical support to VCS projects. An audit of project needs took place in December 2005, and three training seminars were held in January 2006 on funding, creating a more business-like voluntary sector, and the voice of the VCS (including media training, partnership working, and developing consortia to deliver services). A toolkit will be produced signposting VCS organisations to sources of help and information on project succession issues. This project is being delivered in partnership with Regeneration Exchange.",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
publisher = "Invest 2006",