Quantifying Reliable Walking Activity with a Wearable Device in Aged Residential Care: How Many Days Are Enough?

Christopher Buckley, Alana Cavadino, Silvia Del Din, Sue Lord, Lynne Taylor, Lynn Rochester, Ngaire Kerse

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Strong associations exist between quality of life and physical activity for those living in
aged residential care (ARC). Suitable and reliable tools are required to quantify physical activity for descriptive and evaluative purposes. We calculated the number of days required for reliable walking outcomes indicative of physical activity in an ARC population using a trunk-worn device. ARC participants (n = 257) wore the device for up to 7 days. Reasons for data loss were also recorded. The volume, pattern, and variability of walking was calculated. For 197 participants who wore the device for at least 3 days, linear mixed models determined the impact of week structure and number of days required to achieve reliable outcomes, collectively and then stratified by care level. The average days recorded by the wearable device was 5.2 days. Day of the week did not impact walking activity. Depending on the outcome and level of care, 2–5 days was sufficient for reliable estimates. This study provides informative evidence for future studies aiming to use a wearable device located on the trunk to quantify physical activity walking out in the ARC population.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6314
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 5 Nov 2020


  • Accelerometer
  • Aged residential care
  • Dementia
  • Physical activity
  • Reliability
  • Wearables


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