RecordDNA infographics

Julie McLeod, Elizabeth Lomas

Research output: Other contribution

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A series of infographics from the AHRC funded RecordDNA international research which explored the question: ‘In the digital era what is the concept of the record and what implications are there for the usability and functionality of the future evidence base?' 1.A briefing, which sets out steps for developing an R&D agenda to sustain the digital evidence base through time, that we hope interested groups and individuals will take forward, in the form of a fold out leaflet 2.Managing your digital footprint, a roadmap to engage a range of record creators, in the form of a poster and fold out leaflet 3.Visions of a record, capturing differing stakeholder perspectives on what today is a record, in the form of cards in a wallet.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputdigital
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jul 2018


  • digital records management


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