Reflexivity and Researcher Positionality

Sandra Corlett, Sharon Mavin

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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    This chapter explores reflexivity as a set of mutually interrelated processes and practices involving the reflexive thinking, doing, and evaluating of qualitative research. The chapter provides insights into debates surrounding the theory and practice of reflexivity and argues these are underpinned by the researcher’s epistemological assumptions. Such epistemological assumptions influence the researcher’s positionality on issues relating to representation and truth, to the researcher’s role and power relations with others, and to criteria for evaluating qualitative research. Along with other chapters in Section Three: The Researcher, the chapter embraces the reflexive researcher as an integral aspect of qualitative research and highlights challenges involved in reflexive research practice. We also present practical guidance for critical self-reflexivity, practised as an individual and/or collective endeavour, through a series of thought-provoking questions and examples from our own and others’ research in qualitative business and management research. Through the chapter we encourage readers to see the value of reflexivity in its ability to bring epistemological, methodological and criteriological challenges to the forefront as a means of acknowledging how, through our researcher positionality and as qualitative researchers, we influence the research we do and shape the knowledge we produce.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Research Methods
    ISBN (Print)9781473926622
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


    • reflexivity
    • researcher positionality
    • self-reflexivity
    • theory and practice of reflexivity
    • epistemological assumptions
    • researcher role
    • reflexive research
    • collective reflexivity
    • qualitative research challenges


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