Replay of Torture Across 'Other' Places and 'Europe': The Case of Migration at the Bosnian-Croatian Border

Karolina Augustova

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter explores whether and how refugees’ past experiences of torture at home interconnect with extreme violence at borders and impact migration journeys. To do so, it draws upon eight months of ethnographic fieldwork at the Bosnian-Croatian border, which includes sixty-eight interviews. The chapter suggests that racialisation and ‘othering’ of people makes torture a fluid practice that migrates across globalised borders, despite their institutional format remaining unchanged. By shedding light on complex relational patterns of torture in migration, the text contributes to the literature on torture, racial studies and critical migration and border studies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMigration and Torture in Today's World
EditorsFabio Perocco
Place of PublicationVenice, Italy
PublisherEdizioni Ca Foscari
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)9788869696350
ISBN (Print)9788869696367
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2023

Publication series

NameSocietà e trasformazioni sociali
PublisherEdizioni Ca' Foscari
ISSN (Print)2610-9085
ISSN (Electronic)2610-9689

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