Same Difference: Equinox to Equinox: Group open-air performance in Hexham, Northumberland produced by Neon Arts

Helen Collard (Performer), Grace Denton (Performer), David Fudge (Performer), Richard J. Hall (Performer), Joanna Hutton (Performer), Sandra Johnston (Performer), Liz Pavey (Performer), Simon Raven (Performer), Sarah Riseborough (Performer), James Routledge (Performer), Francesca Steele (Performer), James Watts (Performer)

    Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


    The Belfast-based artist collective, Bbeyond, invited artists around the globe to take part in Same Difference: Equinox to Equinox on 22 September 2016, by making a group public performance in their own city, and recording it by video. Around 40 artist groups worldwide took part, comprising almost 300 artists.
    Neon Arts was pleased to help initiate a group open-air performance in Hexham, Northumberland, on 22 September 2016, between 18:00hrs and 19:00hrs at the bandstand in The Sele park. The artists each brought a chair to the bandstand, to use in their performance, the start being signalled by the six o'clock chime of the Abbey bells and ending with the seven o'clock chime.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Sept 2016
    EventSame Difference: Equinox to Equinox : a collaboration of 37 Performance Art Groups worldwide making public group action - Multiple Locations
    Duration: 22 Sept 201622 Sept 2016


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