Secure transport protocols for DDoS attack resistant communication

A. Z. Ghavidel, B. Issac

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


A technical solution has been proposed in this paper to secure transport protocol communication in the case of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. The recent papers about DDoS attacks, especially the amplification attack looks for abnormal transaction that signals and eventually reports them. These methods may generate false positives or negatives and in turn can be quite dismal in its performance, in the wake of a real DDoS attack. This paper suggests a symmetric key exchange and hiding of a secret code in the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packets. Any packet that has the secret code missing would be rejected. At first, the secure UDP protocol will be discussed and later, a similar method for the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) will be discussed. Finally the performance analysis is done to compare the overhead incurred.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2007 5th Student Conference on Research and Development, SCORED
ISBN (Print)1424414709, 9781424414703
Publication statusPublished - 11 Dec 2007
Event2007 5th Student Conference on Research and Development, SCORED - Selangor, Malaysia
Duration: 11 Dec 200712 Dec 2007


Conference2007 5th Student Conference on Research and Development, SCORED


  • Network security attacks
  • Packet analysis
  • Steganography
  • SYN flooding
  • UDP attacks


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