
Sian Bowen

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    Bowen was invited by the curator, Madoka Moriguchi, to undertake a two month residency at the Kyoto Art Centre, Japan, and to hold a solo exhibition at the Centre’s North Gallery. A further show at A1 Art Space, Nagoya was staged concurrently. The preparatory stages of output 1, involved an investigation of the V&A’s Japanese papers (Parkes Collection). With support from The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Bowen used the residency to continue the study of the papers, with conservator, Naohachi Usami, in Japan. The resulting exhibition, entitled ‘Shift’, comprised nine large drawings exploring touch, light and drawn surface. The Centre’s events programme allowed Bowen to conduct regular open studio discussions (in Japanese), at which she debated ideas with the region’s arts community. ‘Shift’ realised ongoing research into surface and light. A drawing on this theme was selected for Mostyn 15, 2005, and parallel works were in ‘Drawing Inspiration: Contemporary British Drawing’ curated by Hannah Neale, Abbot Hall Art Gallery and Museum, Kendal. A solo exhibition at the Drawing Gallery (2005) led to purchase of Bowen’s work by the V&A. Bowen’s approach was discussed in the catalogue essay by Deana Petherbridge. Later Bowen was key-note speaker at NSEAD’s ‘Drawing Power’ workshops, Kingston University, 2006. The researcher’s engagement with Eastern drawing traditions, underpins CARcentre’s commitment to developing ‘new variant’ PhD work with practice-led researchers from non-European cultures. Bowen draws on first-hand experiences to help Asian researchers with process-oriented investigations. She is currently supervising a doctoral project by a Taiwanese artist, Hsieh, entitled ‘Buddhist Meditation as Art Practice’. This project interweaves medative routines, reflective writing and drawing processes, using investigatory methods based on Western philosophical approaches, such as phenomenology.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 Feb 2006


    • Light-Drawing-Exhibitions
    • Surface-Drawing-Exhibitions


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