Sintered aluminium heat pipe (SAHP)

Masoud Ameli, Brian Agnew, Bobo Ng, R. J. McGlen, C. J. Sutcliffe, J. Singh

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This work is the product of an ongoing PhD project in the School of the Built and Natural Environment of Northumbria University in collaboration with the University of Liverpool and Thermacore Europe Ltd. The achievements at the end of the first year are summarized. The main objective of the project is to develop an aluminum ammonia heat pipe with a sintered wick structure. Currently available ammonia heat pipes mainly use extruded axially grooved aluminum tubes as a capillary wick. There have been a few attempts of employing porous steel or nickel wicks in steel tubes with ammonia as the working fluid (Bai, Lin et al. 2009)although it is a common practice in loop heat pipes but there is no report of aluminum-ammonia heat pipes porous aluminium wick structures. The main barrier is the difficulty of sintering aluminum powders to manufacture porous wicks. So far during this project promising sintered aluminum heat pipe samples have been manufactured using the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technique with various wick characteristics. This SLM method has proven to be capable of manufacturing very complicated wick structures with different thickness, porosity, permeability and pore sizes in different regions of a heat pipe. In addition the entire heat pipe including the end cap, outer tube wall, wick and the fill tube can be generated in a single process.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 May 2012
Event16th International Heat Pipe Conference (16th IHPC) - Lyon, France
Duration: 24 May 2012 → …


Conference16th International Heat Pipe Conference (16th IHPC)
Period24/05/12 → …
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