Space Law & Policy: The U.K. Approach to the Regulation of Space Activities

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Space activity within the United Kingdom (U.K.) has undergone a significant period of change with successive governments viewing space as a significant source of economic growth. This has seen increasing attention being paid to both space policy and regulation.

As a signatory to the Outer Space Treaty 1967, the U.K. is internationally responsible for the space activity of both its governmental and commercial entities. These obligations were initially discharged through the Outer Space Act 1986 and the licensing framework that emerged from that.

The decision of the government to develop the capability to launch small satellites from within the U.K., coupled with the promise of high-altitude activities and horizontal launch, meant that action was needed to update the law and regulation of space activity within the U.K. The need for investment to fuel the ambition of the U.K. is set out in the National Space Strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science
EditorsPeter Read
Place of PublicationOxford
PublisherOxford University Press
ISBN (Electronic)9780190647926
Publication statusPublished - 23 Mar 2022


  • space policy
  • space law
  • astropolitics
  • regulation of outer space
  • United Kingdom
  • space activity


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