Spatial Diversity of E.U. migrant criminal activity

Derek Johnson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Spatial diversity of crime is an established phenomena but little has been done to research the spatial diversity of crime committed by inter-EU migrant populations on any scale beyond that of national figures or in some instances geographic regions, yet that spatial diversity has the ability to be powerfully informative. Study to date has sought to examine inter-EU migration crime within the UK in order to identify the relevance and context of spatial diversity to the P.I.E.S. project. Whilst the U.K. is not currently a Prum signatory relevant available data from public sources is wide, geographically informative and freely available which is not necessarily the case with other EU countries, so making it a valid and useful pilot area for study. This presentation will explore that UK based spatial diversity by nationality of offender and also by the type of offending that is being committed, raising pertinent points for discussion.


WorkshopThe Prüm Implementation, Evaluation & Strengthening of Forensic DNA Data Exchange
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