St Cuthbert's Extra Care Facility

Paul Jones (Designer)

Research output: Non-textual formDesign


This is a prototype care facility for older people that challenges the limitations of existing centres in the UK. This is a collaboration with Building Design Northern as part of the ongoing KTP looking at care facilities in Sunderland. The contract sum is £3.5 million. This project is a Step On/Step Off facility that looks to provide accommodation for people leaving hospital, but who are not able to return home yet, due to needing support in their rehabilitation. The Step-On is for older people who are heading towards needing hospital treatment and can't look after themselves at home, but whose health is not chronic enough to be in hospital. The current model is for older people to stay in residential care, which has been universally criticised as being inappropriate, and the its limitation were exposed during COVID. This nurse-led facility provides extra care; the project looks to give autonomy and agency to older people, and looks to provide training and rehabilitation within the centre. The building has been designed to wellbeing principles and looks to build a sense of community within the building. It could become a blueprint in how to look after older people and prevent bed-blocking within the NHS.
Original languageEnglish
Size3.5 million
Publication statusAccepted/In press - Feb 2024

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