Stakeholder Involvement in Agile Software Development

Marta Larusdottir, Åsa Cajander, Peggy Gregory, Gilbert Cockton, Dina Salah, Kati Kuusinen, Gerolf Nauwerck

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    Agile software development processes (Agile), such as Scrum, DSDM, XP and Kanban, have become de facto standards for software development practice. Scrum, the most commonly used process, focuses on delivering functioning software early and continuously, and emphasizes speed, communication and developer collaboration in the software development process [15]. This workshop elicits practical and theoretical research regarding stakeholder involvement in Agile. This focus includes users, who have long been of interest in the HCI community, but also encompasses other stakeholders including customers, clients, managers, executives, business, funders and other specialists (legal, financial, political etc.), and other interested parties whose input is needed or sought during software development. The workshop is aimed at both academia and industry, where the experience from Agile and stakeholder involvement may vary along with people's backgrounds and areas of specialization or expertise.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - NordiCHI '16
    ISBN (Print)978-1-4503-4763-1
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016


    • Agile software development
    • Scrum
    • Kanban
    • product
    • owners
    • Scrum masters
    • project managers
    • stakeholders
    • users
    • customers
    • clients
    • designers
    • developers


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