Stroke patients and their partner's perceptions of survivor functioning

Chloe Witty, Thomas Heffernan, Leigh Riby

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Research into stroke survivors and their partners have shown that the partner frequently rates the stroke survivor as less capable than the survivors rate themselves through self-report questionnaires or qualitative interviews; however, no research to date has used cognitive tasks as a method for in vestigation. This paper aims to investigate if the stroke survivor or the partner rate the stroke survivor as worse across all cognitive domains. Material/ Methods:This research aimed to observe the incongruence of stroke survivors and their spouse’s perception of survivor functioning by rating their confidence on Picture Memory, Verbal Memory, Digit Span, Luria’s Three Step Test, NART and Raven’s Matrices. Participants, and to compare these score to see if either could predict the actual score. Results: Showed that neither the stroke survivor nor the partner consistently rated functioning as worse, but there was a significant difference between the dyad. Further, the stroke survivor and the partner’s confidence had no relationship with raw scores. A thematic analysis was also conducted and themes emerged from the data. These were “Confidence,” “Insight into Ability,” and “Post-Stroke Changes.”Conclusions:These themes were shown to interlink with the scores provided in the qualitative analysis, and implied that low self-efficacy may be crucial in post stroke recovery. Limitations and implications are discussed in full.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)161-180
Number of pages20
JournalActa Neuropsychologica
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jun 2017


  • stroke
  • rehabilitation
  • couples
  • incongruence
  • self-efficacy
  • cognition
  • caregivers


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