Structural properties of Sn-doped in2S3 layers grown by chemical bath deposition

K. Nagamani, Naidu Revathi, Yekula Lingappa, Kotte Ramakrishna Reddy, Robert Miles

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Tin doped In2S3 films have been prepared by chemical bath deposition with different Sn-dopant concentrations that varied in the range, 0 - 5% at a constant bath temperature of 70 oC. All the layers exhibited a strong (109) plane as the preferred orientation with tetragonal In2S3 structure. The crystallinity increases with increase of ‘Sn’ composition and showed a grain size of 46.3 nm at a Sn doping of 4.5 at. %. The Raman studies showed different peaks related to In2S3 phase and didn’t show any secondary phases of In-S and Sn-S. The results are presented and discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2011
    EventDepartment of Atomic Energy - Solid State Physics Symposium - SRM University, Tamilnadu, India
    Duration: 1 Dec 2011 → …


    ConferenceDepartment of Atomic Energy - Solid State Physics Symposium
    Period1/12/11 → …
    Internet address


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