Surf, Spies and Film Noir

Trevor Sewell

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

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    This is a music album comprising of 10 original instrumental tracks written to celebrate the genres of surf, spies and film noir. This release led to me being approached by Michele Brittany to write the afterword for her book 'James Bond and Popular Culture' - One track 'The Big Sleep' was nominated for an Award in Los Angeles and another two tracks received honours in the awards in America (Bridge Of Spies and Mission Improbable), a third track Smoking Gunn is currently on hold for a film in the United States. I am also investigating the possibilities of the album being performed as a new way of experiencing the genres within the contexts of a live concert featuring a live band, freshly generated film noir footage, real actors and multi-media elements. More information can be found at
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2012


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