Sustainability in ICT-Enabled Collaborative Networks

Josephine Chong, Bill Doolin

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    Many organizations form collaborative ICT-enabled networks in order to improve their performance, and we generally understand their motives and benefits in doing so. However, there is little empirical research that focuses on how collaborative relationships are sustained over the longer term. This paper is a first step in addressing this deficiency. Based on a review of the literature on strategic collaboration, we develop a conceptual framework for understanding and exploring the resources and capabilities required to sustain collaborative networks. The framework will provide a theoretical basis for a subsequent empirical investigation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009
    Event20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems: Evolving Boundaries and New Frontiers: Defining the IS Discipline - Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
    Duration: 2 Dec 20094 Dec 2009


    Conference20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems
    Abbreviated titleACIS 2009
    Internet address


    • Collaborative Networks
    • ICT
    • Resources
    • Capabilities
    • Resource Complementarity
    • Sustainability


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