Tales from the Trophy Room

David Campbell, Mark Durden, Ian Brown

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    With Tales from the Trophy Room, the artists’ group Common Culture bring a cabaret of new video work to Portugal. Common Culture’s use of stock characters and scenes associated with Britishness— nightclub bouncers, comedians, lap dancers, binge drinkers and its natural landscape— is here combined with stories, both sad and comic, about the artists’ decade-long struggle to make art in the face of insensitive curators, awful bad luck and little money.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - Nov 2009
    EventTales from the Trophy Room - Solar Galeria de Arte Cinemática Um espaço em Vila do Conde. Porto, Portugal
    Duration: 1 Nov 2009 → …


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