Teenagers talking about energy: using narrative methods to inform design

Nicola Toth, Linda Little, Janet C. Read, Yukang Guo, Daniel Fitton, Matthew Horton

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


This paper explores teenagers’ attitudes towards energy consumption. The research is part of a wider project with the goal of designing, developing and evaluating mobile solutions to change teenagers’ attitudes and behaviour towards energy. Diaries, stories, written scenarios and focus groups provided initial insight into teenagers’ attitudes. The use of multiple methods engaged teenagers in the project and resulted in data that was rich in detail and context. Initial themes that emerged for the data were: type of energy used, impact of energy use, sources of information, location and green teens. Findings will inform the design of mobile solutions for teenagers and help in the development of a behavioural change programme.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2012
Event30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2012 - Austin, Texas, Austin, TX, United States
Duration: 5 May 201210 May 2012


Conference30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityAustin, TX
Internet address


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