The ‘30-Gold’ Ambition and Japan’s Momentum for Elite Sport Success: Feasibility and Policy Changes

Jinming Zheng, Dongfeng Liu

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This article reviews Japan’s elite sport capabilities and analyses Japan’s recent elite sport policy changes. The policy analysis is underpinned by Kingdon’s (1984, 1995) multiple streams framework. Data were gathered from both official performance-related databases and websites, and official and semi-official documents in Japanese and English. The main findings are that (1) Japan’s ‘30-gold’ target is not unattainable, although the narrow source of Olympic gold medals is a potential constraint; (2) the Japan Sports Agency (JSA) and the Suzuki Plan resonate with the government’s values and are largely supported by the public; and (3) policy changes were prompted/accelerated by both the political event and problem-based policy windows created by the 2011 Earthquake and other economic and social problems, Tokyo’s successful Olympic bid in 2013 and Japan’s performance at the 2016 Olympics. The study highlights the utility of the multiple streams framework and some opportunities for further advancement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1964-1985
Number of pages22
JournalSport in Society
Issue number12
Early online date19 Jun 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020


  • Japan
  • Elite Sport
  • Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
  • Policy Changes
  • Multiple Streams Framework
  • Japan Sports Agency
  • Suzuki Plan


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