The characteristics of users of an online screening tool for children and adolescents with intellectual disability and of those being screened

Karen McKenzie*, Kara Murray, Judith Thompson, Karen Horridge, Kirsty Greenwell, Aja Murray

*Corresponding author for this work

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Screening tools can help with the identification of intellectual disability, but little is known about who uses them. This study analysed anonymous information from 2691 users of an evidence-based, online, intellectual disability screening questionnaire for children and adolescents (CAIDS-Q) to explore the characteristics of the users and of those being screened. The users were split almost equally between parents/family members (48.6%) and professionals (49.9%), with the majority (63.8%) of the latter group being health staff. Significant differences in the characteristics of the children being screened were found, according to whether the user was a parent/family member or a professional, with the overall pattern suggesting that professionals screened children with greater complexity of needs, but about whom less was known. The screened children had a range of areas of difficulties that are common to those with intellectual disability. Implications for practice are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Intellectual Disabilities
Early online date8 Aug 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 8 Aug 2024


  • intellectual disability
  • child and adolescent intellectual disability screening questionnaire
  • characteristics

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