The culture of water cure in nineteenth-century Austria, 1800-1914

Jill Steward

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter was an invited contribution to an edited collection, bringing together new and international scholarship in an examination of the relationship between the modern practices of tourism and the built environment. The chapter draws on primary and secondary sources in an analysis of the ways in which Italy was perceived and experienced by British tourists during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Utilising a model for analysing tourist behaviour developed within anthropological and ethnographical studies of tourism, the theme of the essay is the way in which tourist practices and performance of place contributed to the construction and maintenance of bourgeois social identities in the period. The chapter originated as a paper at an international conference, and was subsequently published as an article in Journeys: An International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing, 1 (1-2). This chapter however, constitutes a development and reworking of that material to contribute to the contextualisation of the project. It is one of a series of papers to be submitted for PhD by published work, dealing with different aspects of the relationship between tourism and the formation of social and cultural identities. ‘How and where to go: Tourism and the Growth of the Travel Press, 1860- 1914’, in J.K. Walton (ed.), Tourisms: Identities, Environments, Conflicts and Histories (Channel View: 2005), for example, focuses on the emergence of travel journalism, as does ‘Grant Allen and the Business of Travel’ in W. Greenslade and T. Rodgers (eds.) Grant Allen: Literature and Cultural politics at the Fin-de-Siècle (Ashgate, 2005). A Northumbria Small Research Grant provided funding for travel for archival research and conferences. The essay was translated into Spanish. as 'Actuación en el extranjero: los turistas británicos en Italia y sus prácticas, 1840-1914.’ in B. McLaren and D. Medina Lasansky (eds.), Aquitectura y turismo (2006).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWater, Leisure and Culture: European Historical Perspectives
EditorsSusan Anderson, Bruce Tabb
Place of PublicationOxford
Number of pages272
ISBN (Print)9781859735404
Publication statusPublished - 2002

Publication series

NameLeisure, Consumption and Culture


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