The effect of different photoperiods in circadian rhythms of Per3 knockout mice

D. S. Pereira*, D. R. Van Der Veen, B. S.B. Gonçalves, S. Tufik, M. Von Schantz, S. N. Archer, M. Pedrazzoli

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The aim of this study was to analyse the circadian behavioural responses of mice carrying a functional knockout of the Per3 gene (P e r 3 - / -) to different light: dark (L: D) cycles. Male adult wild-type (WT) and P e r 3 - / - mice were kept under 12-hour light: 12-hour dark conditions (12L: 12D) and then transferred to either a short or long photoperiod and subsequently released into total darkness. All mice were exposed to both conditions, and behavioural activity data were acquired through running wheel activity and analysed for circadian characteristics during these conditions. We observed that, during the transition from 12L: 12D to 16L: 8D, P e r 3 - / - mice take approximately one additional day to synchronise to the new L: D cycle compared to WT mice. Under these long photoperiod conditions, P e r 3 - / - mice were more active in the light phase. Our results suggest that P e r 3 - / - mice are less sensitive to light. The data presented here provides further evidence that Per3 is involved in the suppression of behavioural activity in direct response to light.

Original languageEnglish
Article number170795
Number of pages6
JournalBiomed Research International
Publication statusPublished - 8 May 2014
Externally publishedYes


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