The effect of the cone rotation in the supersonic gas flow on the velocity propagation of perturbations in the boundary layer

Laurent Dala, Madeleine Combrink, Igor Lipatov, I.N. Ustinov

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The paper aimed at studying the peculiarities of boundary layer on a rotating body. Rotation of axisymmetric bodies is often used for their stabilization at a high velocity motion in the atmosphere. Presented are calculation of boundary layer flow on a rotating cone at zero angle of attack. Longitudinal and full enthalpy profiles in the laminar boundary layer obtained as a result of calculations were used to determine upstream disturbances propagation velocity. New integral relation was determined to find out disturbances propagation velocity for the regime of weak hypersonic viscous-inviscid interaction. Effects of surface rotation velocity along with the temperature factor influence were investigated.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)209-212
Number of pages4
JournalActa Astronautica
Early online date12 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2021


  • Boundary layer
  • Flow near a cone
  • Propagation of disturbances
  • Supersonic
  • Weak viscous-inviscid interaction


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