The Effects of Traditional Hot-Lime Technology on the Characteristics of Lime

Cecilia Pesce, Giovanni Pesce

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper aims to provide some fundamental scientific knowledge on the characteristics of the mortars produced with the hot-lime technology. This technique entails the direct mixing of quicklime with sand and other additives to produce the mortar. In this way, the quicklime is slaked by the water absorbed on
the sand grain surfaces and by water added to reach the correct workability of the mix. According to practitioners, the mortars produced with such method show improved performance in terms of durability and workability. Despite this, very few scientific knowledge is currently available on this process.

This contribution aims at introducing the basic principles of the hot-lime technology based on the literature currently available and on initial experimental results highlighting the effects of the slaking method on the reaction products, using chemical and microscopic analyses and geochemical models. Results suggest that the slaking conditions affect the crystal size and shape of the binder which may be the reason of the improved performance of the mortar. Our models show that the chemical composition of the pore solution in ‘hot-mixed’ mortars is different from that of mortars produced with slaked lime. Understanding how a traditional technology, such as hot-lime, affects the properties of lime in a mortar
is key to producing compatible repair mortars for historic masonries and is therefore a fundamental task for the conservation of the built heritage.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 15 Dec 2019
EventREHABEND 2020 Euro-America conference Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management -
Duration: 24 Mar 202027 Mar 2020


ConferenceREHABEND 2020 Euro-America conference Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management


  • lime
  • hot-lime
  • heritage


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