The how and why of consumers' co-creation: evidence from the Fiat 500 case study

Raffaele Filieri, Salma Alguezaui

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In the current business environment firms need to continuously renew their products to keep up with their competitive advantage. Increasingly, customers' needs are atomized and they change at an unprecedented pace. Thus, some companies have started to tap consumer knowledge over the internet. These companies are using the web and social media to build virtual spaces to connect with actual and potential customers in order to engage them at different stages of the new product development process. In such virtual spaces, consumers spontaneously decide to contribute with their knowledge, ideas and activities to company's cocreation initiatives. In marketing research, there is a dearth of studies on how companies are involving ordinary consumers in their innovation processes through internet applications. Moreover, few studies have investigated the implications of cocreation activities on innovation outputs and brand image. Thus, this study has adopted a single case study approach and has explored the how and why of cocreation in the Fiat 500 open innovation project (‘500 wants you'), and the results achieved in terms of innovation generated and impact on the corporate brand image.


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