The Influence of Online Marketing Tactics in Tourist Destination Reputation: Egypt as a Case Study

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Online marketing has been a focus of the majority of destinations since the Internet became the
primary information tool for travel marketing. Tourism is a reputation-dependent industry;
potential travellers who do not have previous experience with the destination face numerous
risks during the process of decision-making. An accurate perception of the destination’s
reputation helps minimize risk against unsatisfactory travel experiences. Taking the importance
of reputation to the tourist destination as a starting point, this study explores the influence of the
online marketing tactics in the tourist destination reputation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2017
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism: PhD Workshop - Rome, Italy
Duration: 24 Jan 201727 Jan 2017


ConferenceInternational Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism
Abbreviated titleENTER
Internet address


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