The Relationship between of Moral Injury and Radicalisation: A Systematic Review

Victoria Williamson*, Dominic Murphy, Sharon A.M. Stevelink, Edgar Jones, Shannon Allen, Neil Greenberg

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This review aimed to explore individual-level factors involved in radicalization and the impact of moral injury on an individual’s beliefs and behaviors that are relevant to radicalization. The results indicate that both individuals who develop radical beliefs and those with moral injury are exposed to events which provoke similar adverse outcomes, including a loss of personal significance, suggesting that moral injury could be a useful way to understand the process of radicalization. Understanding the processes involved in moral injury may inform preventative programs, as well programs to promote disengagement from radical action in those who have already been radicalized.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)977-1003
Number of pages27
JournalStudies in Conflict and Terrorism
Issue number11
Early online date23 Aug 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2022
Externally publishedYes

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