The Role Of Universities In Innovation And Regional Development: Findings of the RUNIN project

Eloïse Germain-Alamartine, Rhoda Ahoba-Sam, Gerwin Evers, Saeed Moghadam-Saman, Liliana Fonseca, Lisa Nieth, Maria Salomaa, Kwadwo Atta-Owusu, David Fernandez Guerrero, Utku Ali Riza Alpaydin, Sergio Manrique, Sofya Kopelyan, Ridvan Cinar, Huong Nguyen, David Charles, Ina Drejer, Rune Dahl Fitjar*, Kristoffer Woldseth Moldekleiv

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Research output: Other contribution

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This is the final public presentation of the results of the RUNIN project. This was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network which examined the various roles of universities in different regional contexts. It includes 14 PhD projects with researchers based in seven European regions: Aalborg (Denmark), Aveiro (Portugal), Barcelona (Spain), Lincoln (United Kingdom), Linköping (Sweden), Stavanger (Norway), and Twente (The Netherlands). The network is based on the European Consortium of Innovative Universities, an organisation of universities that actively seek to contribute to innovation in the regions where they are located. These regions are often relatively peripheral and distant from capital cities. Hence, the universities and regions studied in the project differ substantially from the contexts in which the regional role of universities is commonly studied
Original languageEnglish
TypeProject Report
Media of outputPrint and PDF
PublisherUniversity of Stavanger
Number of pages64
Place of PublicationStavanger, Norway
ISBN (Print)9788284390031
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


  • universities
  • innovation
  • regional development


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