The Stolen Generations: Offering creative writing, visual art and dance to young people in secure centres

Laura Fish, Liz Pavey

Research output: Other contribution

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National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance (NCJAA) case studies series focuses on interesting collaborations between arts and criminal justice organisations, exploring how they work together, and the impact creative practice has on participants and the process of rehabilitation.
The Stolen Generations Project delivered workshops in dance, creative writing and visual art for young people (aged 11-15) at Aycliffe Secure Centre, all informed by Indigenous Australian culture and dance practice. The project aimed to engage the young people who would not otherwise easily access the arts. It also feeds into a wider project, The Other Side of Me, led by two academics at Northumbria University: Dr Laura Fish, a writer and Assistant Professor in creative writing, and Liz Pavey, Assistant Professor in dance and performance.
Original languageEnglish
TypeCase Study
Number of pages11
Place of PublicationMildenhall
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2022

Publication series

NameCase Studies

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