The use of high aspect ratio photoresist (SU-8) for super-hydrophobic pattern prototyping

Neil Shirtcliffe, Sanaa Aqil, Carl Evans, Glen McHale, Michael Newton, Carole Perry, Paul Roach

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In this work we present a reliable technique for the production of large areas of high aspect-ratio patterns and describe their use as model super-hydrophobic systems. The high thickness and straight sidewalls possible with SU-8 were used to generate dense patterns of small pillars. These photoresist patterns could be used directly, without the need for micromoulding. A method is given allowing resist thickness to be varied over a wide range and a bottom antireflective layer was used to simplify patterning on reflective substrates. This patterning technique allows rapid testing of wetting theories, as pattern size and depth can be varied simply and samples can be produced in sufficient numbers for laboratory use. We show how the static contact angle of water varies with pattern height for one sample-pattern and how static and dynamic contact angles vary with dimension using high aspect-ratio patterns.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1384-1389
JournalJournal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2004


  • contact angles
  • surfaces
  • rough
  • wetability
  • SU8
  • photoresist
  • superhydrophobic


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